Covid-19 code of conduct


This Annex relates to the expected actions and behaviour of all members of the club and adds to the general Code of Conduct which is also available on this website.

1. Members

All members are expected to follow the advice from Scottish Athletics and Scottish Government on physical distancing and good hygiene behavior, namely:

·       Follow Scottish Government advice on physical distancing at all times.

·       Do not share food, towels, and drinks.

·       Clean your hands and equipment frequently.

·       Cover your coughs and sneezes and dispose of any used tissue in your own bag and take it home with you. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or sanitise afterwards.

·       Avoid spitting unless into a tissue which you should take home and dispose of.

·       Avoid touching your face.

·       Hand sanitiser should be at least 60% alcohol based and detergent wipes appropriate for the surface they are being used on.

When you sign up to attend a session you will be asked to accept these conditions and to confirm that you do not have any reasons connected with Covid-19 that will preclude you from attending the session, namely:

·       Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

·       Have been overseas to a country on the quarantine list or exposed to someone with COVID- 19 in the last 14 days.

·       Have COVID-19 symptoms (self-isolate for 7 days) or are feeling unwell.

·       Have been told to self-isolate as part of the contact tracing measures in place.

Please be aware that you may be subject to a symptom check by your facility operator or club prior to training.

2. Coaches

Coaches will conduct additional risk assessments ahead of the sessions to ensure that risks associated with Covid-19 are mitigated and minimised. They will be keeping the use of equipment to a minimum.  Only coaches will touch equipment, e.g., cones which we use to mark our areas.  All of our equipment will be sanitised before the session starts and after it finishes and at required times during the session.

3. Parents and other helpers

Parents are not required to be present during Phase 3. Spectating is not permitted during this phase and while we are using spaces which are open to the public, we ask that parents remaining in the park try to avoid creating any obstructions to other users

4. Breaches of the Code of Conduct

Any member who fails to adhere to this Annex to the Code of Conduct will be reported to the Club Secretary and their case will be considered by the Club Committee. A formal oral or written warning may be issued and the member will be asked to read and agree to the Code of Conduct. The Committee may decide to restrict that member’s attendance at future training sessions.